Monday, June 8, 2009

Status Update

So, we're officially waiting.  Before we thought we were waiting, but there was still stuff to do and watch for (like to see if the Fedex package was delivered).  Now, we're really just waiting.  And, for me at least, the worst part about this waiting is that we don't know how long it will be.  With that said, hearing anything in the next six weeks would be wishful thinking at this point, so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for an extended radio silence.  
The hard thing with this waiting is that it is much more painful than I expected.  Knowing that there is a kid that we could be caring for tomorrow is going to be stuck in his or her crib for a couple more months is pretty debilitating for me (which is saying a lot for a guy who experiences a relatively small set of emotions - and really I can only say "small set" if I'm allowed to count hunger and fatigue as emotions).

Current Stage: Waiting for "Approval" from the Ministry of Family and Gender Promotion in the best of our knowledge our Dossier is sitting in the office in the queue of files that are awaiting review and approval.  
Timeframe: The shortest we've heard of is 6 weeks - the longest is about 6 months.  Needless to say, we've been praying that we'd be on the shorter side. 

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