Monday, February 8, 2010

oh for a thousand tongues to sing

The house is quiet. Our children are upstairs sleeping in their room and Hunter and I are snuggling on the couch. Neither of us can believe the privilege we've been given in parenting Lucy and Isaiah. Here are a few favorite moments from getting home:
  • Lucy brought gift after gift to Isaiah when we first got home (several of which have been around the house for a long time, but we always talked about how they were for Isaiah). She kept walking up and saying "this is for him" or "this is for you". She was SOOOOOOOO excited for him to be home. it was completely adorable.
  • When Lucy woke up from her nap this afternoon, we came downstairs and after 5 minutes she asked if she could wake up Isaiah. "I neeeeeeeeeeeed him." After Hunter and I felt somewhat emotionally conflicted this morning about sharing love/attention and whether Lucy would heart leapt with joy at her delight in her brother. I'm sure we'll pray forever that our children will love each other.
  • Dancing like crazy, singing and giggling together as a family of four this afternoon. It doesn't get much better than knowing that your son usually is restrained about laughter and then watching him spontaneously bust out laughing at Lucy multiple times today. and she did the same with him. and then of course they repeated the activities 15 times. So stinkin adorable.
  • All the love and support, notes, texts, etc. we've received from friends and family. it all means the world to us.

"And my soul wells up with a Hallelujah"


  1. oh my goodness Adrianne, I'm so glad you're home and all together, and enjoying one another so so much =). praise God!!! i've been praying for you all and will continue to do so!

  2. I've been waiting and waiting and checking and checking to see when y'all would be home. So happy. Welcome to the Northside Isaiah!

  3. He is so gorgeous! Congratulations on your beautiful family! Thrilled for y'all! SO SO excited!
