Sunday, March 7, 2010

delayed gratification

I love watching Lucy around babies. It had been a while but in the last few weeks we've spent time with 3 different precious babies. Lucy completely ADORES babies. Bringing them bottles, squeezing them (a little too hard), holding them on her lap, helping change diapers, etc.

Last week I had a moment where I felt a little sad for her. With us adopting Isaiah, she missed getting to really play this role. He doesn't let her hold him...(um, and that's not really possibly anyway). He doesn't need as much help as a baby does (although we find ways to let her be the big sister). it just isn't the same as bringing a new born into the family and for a moment I was sad for her.

Even if we have more biological children...the decision about that, of course, should not be ours. But even if we do...she'll never be at this age, the way she is right now to experience it this same way.

anyway, it made me sad for a moment. and then really, really happy. I hope and pray that we model a life for her and joyfully lead her to a life where she'll delight in delayed gratification. where she'll willingly give up dreams and really great things that God just hasn't written as her story in order to obey Him. I hope and pray that both Isaiah and Lucy will love to practice delayed gratification for heaven and spend their lives here obeying...sometimes receiving and enjoying pleasures (when God offers them) and other times receiving and enjoying the anticipation of heaven. when our appetites and longings will truly be filled.

Of course, there are MANY "betters" about having a brother who is about the same age,and the analogy breaks down because we didn't find going after Isaiah sacrificial in any way. But, I think unknowingly, Lucy has been a part of something that meant a little bit less opportunity for her. She is not experiencing something that could have been hers and that she would have loved. I rarely refrain from something that I have the opportunity to have. I pray I'll learn how. and model how. and I pray that will describe our children.

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