Sunday, January 3, 2010

it takes a village to raise a child

There have been many nights throughout the process of bringing our son home where I've been unable to fall asleep. Aching. Sometimes crying. Always deeply longing. Some weeks were terrible and I just couldn't sleep almost at all. Wondering what he was doing. What he was thinking. How long would it be until we could bring him home.

Sleep has been difficult many, many nights.

Last night was no exception. I tried and I tried but I just couldn't fall asleep. But for a totally different reason: joy, gratitude, excitement and layers and layers of thoughtfulness. Last night a few of our closest friends gathered at the home of our dear friends Paul and Chrissy to celebrate Isaiah joining our family. We were overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness and love.

Unbeknownst to us, our thoughtful hostess encouraged everyone in the group to find a Rwandan or East African dish to make for the meal. The entrees were DELICOUS. Several stews/sauces for rice, Chapati, fried plantains, fried sweet potato patties, etc. Chrissy printed out food labels with the Rwandan flag as the background so everyone could label their dish. I kept walking in circles around the house feeling overwhelmed by the creativity and details.

Together, friends sent in pictures of their kiddos (including our family) to make a book for Isaiah to introduce him to all his people. Each letter of the alphabet (almost) has a person or a few people important to him/us whom he'll get to know. People who have cherished him from afar. The cover of the book is a picture of him. So, so so so so sooooo thoughtful.

They also all donated money to provide for some of the needs of Isaiah's friends at Home of Hope. The sisters do everything they can with the resources they have...but there is definitely always need for more.

Our football team made up of friends who, for the most part, were not there last night, pitched in and gave us a gift of photography: an INCREDIBLE photographer from Charlottesville will come out to our home a few months after Isaiah's home (and we've all adjusted) to take some family pictures. She's incredibly talented and I'm so so grateful for this beautiful gift.

So last night I as I tried and tried to fall asleep, pictures of our friends' faces kept coming to mind. Bits of the many ways they've supported us and loved us throughout this journey...and what they've committed to going forward. We are unbelievably blessed and thankful. We feel so loved by you, and sincerely feel the Father's love through you.

It will take a village to raise our family. and we are so grateful for each of you.

These are the words of the card that they gave us:

Front: "Children are the Reward of Life"-- African proverb

Inside: "When you're rocking him to sleep and humming lullabies to his soul, remember to whisper something good and lasting in his little ear. Tell him how beautiful, how buttery brown, how truly loved he is. Tell him that one day he may change the world, but for now, he is the answer to a sweet, silent prayer"

Gosh. We feel so loved and we can't wait to share it with Isaiah.

PS. Lucy got to come to Zay's party and had a BLAST...although she was a little confused why he wasn't going to be there. Chrissy assured her that, despite all her efforts with Oprah, she wasn't able to swing the early reunion. 2 1/2 weeks and counting!!!


  1. wow...what an amazing gift!!! thanks for sharing!

  2. that's wonderful! Thanks for sharing your night with us.

  3. Crrrrrying. So moving!!!! What a wonderful community you are part of!
