Friday, January 22, 2010

your last day little peanut

Alright Zay (short for Isaiah). This is it. This is your last day of not knowing us. Tomorrow, largely unbeknownst to you, you're going to meet your forever family. For a while in the afternoon you'll just be playing as usual. Messing around with your favorite truck and your favorite friends. Then the sisters are going to sweep you away, tell you that you need to change your clothes and wash up to meet your family. (don't worry...we won't make you wash up very often). But they'll get you all ready and undoubtedly you'll look very handsome.

Meanwhile, mommy and daddy will be on an airplane. Traveling 15 hours from Wash DC to Addis, Ethiopia and then another several hours on to Kigali. Chances of sleep are slim as I'll be imagining all day/night what it will feel like. Daddy will probably end up frustrated by how many times I'll say "I just CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Or, "what are you thinking?! this is just amazing!" or "are we ever going to get there?!?!"

It feels so surreal. I've prayed for and dreamed of this moment for so long and the time is finally here.

Oh Zay, I can't wait to squeeze you, to study your face, to know what holding you feels like. And the amazing thing is I don't have to wait much longer. Tomorrow, my son. Tomorrow. I love you!!!


  1. excited for you! Can't WAIT to read how everything is going.

  2. Hi Adrianne,

    I'm a friend of Ben and Susie and have been following your journey as well as their journey. Tears in my eyes reading this post and knowing by now, you have met your forever son. Congratulations, and please, when your arms are free, give Susie a HUGE HUG from Megan :)
