Sunday, January 24, 2010

meeting Isaiah

oh man. it was AMAZING. I'm not going to go into much detail right now, but suffice it to say that when we arrived at Home of Hope I COMPLETELY lost it. I'm sure that this was the most joy I've experienced so far. It was just too much. I put my head in Hunter's chest and just cried. How could it really be happening?! So thankful.

They brought him up (having rudely interrupted his wonderful time playing with his friends. hah). and he was SCREAMING. I mean, SCREAMING. Promising start, eh? Then the caregiver handed him to me, and he started screaming a little harder. It was to be expected. Tough age to meet someone for the first time. after about a minute we gave him a cookie and it helped him calm down. We tucked ourselves away for a bit and Hunter held him and then I held him again :). It was AMAZING. I mean, he was definitely scared at first, but pretty quickly he started reservedly playing with us.

I sang some songs to him and he really nuzzled in. So sweet. we played with stickers on our noses which brought his eyes to full eye contact with us. INTENSE. He seemed to really enjoy it...for having been scared out of his mind.

Today I get to watch my adoption wife (Susie. LOVE HER) meet her son. And 2 more families. SOOOOOO excited. and then we get to bring the kiddos to our hotel to play with us all day. I CAN'T WAIT to see him. to get to know him a little more. to start building some trust.

seriously. he's amazing.

can't wait to be home with Lucy. the 4 of us. together.


  1. Hi Adrienne, I am Susie's mom. I have loved following your story with Susie's. I am praying for you as I pray for Ben and Susie. Hopefully we will meet some day!(I am sorry this is going to sign as Mom, my kids set this up a few years ago for our family blog!) Kathy Beebe

  2. Congrats. Enjoy your time there with your new child.

  3. ahhhhhhhhhhh. its really happening.
